Monday, October 31, 2011

Healthy Behaviors!

Here are some tips to make healthy decisions easier! 
Eat Regular Meals
  • Eat a small meal every 3-5 hours. 
  •  Eat breakfast within an hour after waking up.
  •  Pick up a piece of fruit or a bagel from the cafeteria at dinner for breakfast the next morning. 
  •  Eat breakfast on the way to class. 
  • Avoid snacking throughout the day if you tend to overeat at night. 

Make Healthy Meal Choices 
  • Wait until you have finished your meal before deciding on dessert; skip it if you feel full 
  • Include at least one serving of fruit and one serving of vegetables at lunch and dinner. 
  • Choose the healthiest meal options available. 
  • Request salad dressing, sauces, and gravy on the side 
  •  Request 1/2 sized meal portions. 
  • Limit breaded and fried foods.
  • Ask if they have plain steamed vegetables available. 
  • Limit cream soups and creamy sauces. 

Drink Responsibly 
  • Avoid drinking large amounts of regular soda and other sweetened beverages. 
  •  If you are of legal age, limit alcohol as it is high in calories 
  • Alternate each alcoholic beverage with water or seltzer. 
  • Dilute mixed drinks with water or seltzer. 
  • Never drink on an empty stomach. 

Exercise Daily 
  • Sign up for an exercise class each semester. 
  • Make use of the fitness facility on campus most days of the week. 
  •   Take a walk between classes once a day. 
  • Walk or ride to classes or try walking at a faster pace between classes. 

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