Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All-nighter disclosure

 Each month I will post something on the blog pertaining to a particular subject, and this month the theme is "intellectual growth." Part of your intellectual growth is receiving a good night of sleep, so below I have posted a study regarding the adverse effects of all-nighters. 

Harvard Medical School researchers have found that people who stay up all night after learning and practicing a new task show little improvement in their performance. And the study suggests that no amount of sleep on the following two nights can make up for the toll taken by the initial all-nighter.

"Our research shows that you need sleep that first night if you want to improve on a task," says Robert Stickgold, Harvard Medical School assistant professor of psychiatry at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center. 

"We think that getting that first night's sleep starts the process of memory consolidation," says Stickgold. "It seems that memories normally wash out of the brain unless some process nails them down. My suspicion is that sleep is one of those things that does the nailing down."

You can find the complete article here: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/11/001122075125.htm

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