Monday, March 19, 2012

Focus on Diversity

Hello E! This month our focus is diversity, so to test your diversity knowledge, I have placed a fun quiz and answers at the bottom. Enjoy and good luck! 

Diversity Quiz
Test your awareness of diversity demographic trends and issues.

1) The main workplace issue for people with disabilities is?
a) Accommodation
b) Co-worker discomfort
c) Getting the interview
d) All of the above

2) Currently what percentage of the U.S. workforce are men?
a) 48%
b) 56%
c) 67%

3) New York City is the U.S. largest city.  It is also one of the ten largest cities in the world.
a) True                                
b) False

4) In 1998, 38.6 million people in the US were classified poor based on the U.S. government’s official
definition for poverty.  Most of these poor were:
a) African American
b) White
c) Hispanic

5) What percentage of the U.S. population is African-American?
a) 12.4%
b) 25.3%
c) 40.1%

6) Which of the groups below, which is the largest minority population in the U.S.?
a) African-American
b) Asian
c) People with different sexual orientation
d) People with disabilities

7) In which year has the Census Bureau projected that will Hispanics represent 25% of the U.S.
a) 2030
b) 2040
c) 2050

8) How many languages are currently estimated to be spoken in California?
a) 39
b) 57
c) 80

9) Twenty-four percent of Pennsylvania families with two children have incomes at twice the federal
poverty level of $17,473.  Can a $35,946 family income support basic family needs for housing,
childcare, food and health care?
a) Yes
b) No

10) In 2007 what percentage of Americans between the ages of 16 and 24 did CNN reported are high
school dropouts?
a) 7%
b) 17%
c) 23%

11) The U.S. Department of Education reports which group has the highest percentage of dropouts?
a) African American
b) Hispanic
c) Caucasian
d) American Indian

12) What percentage of U.S. families now has the traditional “father working, mother at home, with 2.4
children” scenario?
a) 15%
b) 28%
c) 37%

13) If we could shrink the world’s population to 100, how many would be Asian?
a) 8
b) 21
c) 57

14) By 2030 the percentage of Americans 65 and over will grow to:
a) 12%
b) 19%
c) 25%

15) By 2007, people under 20 years of age made up what percentage of the U.S. population?
a) 10.2%
b) 15.5%
c) 27.6%

16) In his 1948 book, Alfred Kinsey shocked the world by stating what percentage of men is gay?
a) 5%
b) 10%
c) 12%

17) Which country has the most religious diversity of any other Western country?
a) Germany
b) France
c) United States

Answer Sheet
1. D
2. A
3. False – NYC ranks 17
in the world.  NYC defines itself as the “Capital of the
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. B – Current projections, as evidence show greater growth and birth rates; By 2050 –
U.S. will be a country of minorities.
8. C
9. No
10. B – in some communities the rate jumps 40% and higher
11. D
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. C
16. B – Today, most Americans responding to public survey say nearly gays represent
25% of our nation
17. C

I located this quiz on